2-day Stakeholder Management Skills Training Course

Do your stakeholders give you sleepless nights?

If you’ve lost sleep the night before an important meeting because you were afraid of your stakeholders, or have failed to stick to an important date because you couldn’t hold people on your project to account, then you’re not alone. We know how to handle difficult people, people who cause conflict and create misery for you and those around you. We can teach to what you need to know so you not only manage stakeholders effectively, but get a good night’s sleep too.

This two-day course teaches you how to manage stake holders in a way that is easy, reliable and fun!

Is this the right stakeholder management course for you?

  • Are you struggling to engage your key stakeholders? Whether you’re a new or more experienced project leader you may feel stuck with difficult stakeholder relationships. We’ll teach you how to breathe new life into old relationships
  • Are you new to stakeholder management? If you’ve recently taken on a management or leadership role you may feel overwhelmed by all you need to do. We’ll show you the essential stakeholder management skills you need to succeed
  • Do you have two two days to spare? If you can set aside two days to learn a new way of working then we can make you more productive once you get back to your workplace.
  • Would you like to learn how to get more out of your stakeholders? If you want to go beyond the stakeholder management basics, really engage with your audience and get them fully involved in your projects then this is the course for you.
  • Are you a new or aspiring project manager? This course is not for complete beginners, you will need a knowledge of project management fundamentals in order to get the most from this course. Why not read a couple of project management books before you take our project management training courses

Work with us for just two days and you’ll be better at managing stakeholders than almost anyone you know. You won’t become an expert overnight, but you will become better at stakeholder management than you thought possible. We won’t promise you no more more sleepless nights, but you won’t lose sleep over difficult stakeholders again.

Book this course

To reserve your place on our next public training course please fill in the form below. If you would like us to deliver this training course to you and your colleagues please call us on +44 (0)7954 435456 or email us.